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    LORD SHIVA IS MAJOR HINDU DEITY. and is the destroyer or transformer among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. SHIVA is the suprme god and has five important works 

                                                                                                    a) creator

                                                                                                    b) preserver

                                                                                                    c) destroyer 

                                                                                                    d) concealer

                                                                                                     e) revealer  


"Shiva is signless , without color, taste or smell, beyond word and touch, without quality, changeless, motionless." (Linga Purana).

Shiva is the god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate, while at the same time a lover of his spouse (shakti). Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the world, following Brahma the creator and Vishnu the preserver, after which Brahma again creates the world and so on. Shiva is responsible for change both in the form of death and destruction and in the positive sense of destroying the ego, the false identification with the form. This also includes the shedding of old habits and attachments. While of course many hindu deities are associated with different paths of yoga and meditation, in Shiva the art of meditation takes its most absolute form. In meditation, not only mind is stopped, everything is dropped. In deep meditation or samadhi, even the object of the meditation (like a mantra) is transformed into its formless essence, which is the essence of everything and everyone. Thus Shiva stands for letting go of everything in the world of forms. The path of Lord Shiva is the path of the ascetic yogi.

Lord Shiva and his birth

According to hindu mythology lord shiva is the destroyer in the main three supreme god. There are three supreme gods 1st one is Lord Shiva, Second one is Brahma and third one Vishnu. Lord shiva is the destroyer and also have a positive side in that destruction usual leads to new forms of existence. Lord shiva is described in art with four hand, four faces and three eyes. The third eye always keep this power to destroy the creation, not only creation including gods and humans. In the Vedas, a collection of ancient sacred texts, lord shiva is identified with the storm god Rudra.

One day brahma and Vishnu both are arguing about which of them are more powerful. That time one great blazing pillar appear which root and branches extended beyond view into the earth and sky. Now both god Brahma and Vishnu start to find out the start and end of that pillar. Brahma turned into goose and flew up to find the top of the pillar, while Vishnu turned into a boar and dug into the earth to look for its roots. After unsuccessful both came back and seen that there is a god Lord Shiva emerged from an opening in the pillar. Recognizing Shiva’s great power, they both god accepted that there is the third power who rules over the inverse.

we have 18 purana's Lingapuranam or lingapuran sayas greatness of lord shiva.

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